
Hello from the other side!

"Robert Frost famously once said, 'The only way out is through' and I believe that, and I also believe that the only way through is together. -John Green

John Green said this on one of his YouTube videos. He talks about how togetherness is important and we should stay together in these trying times. We as a community have thrived a lot as we have been together. I agree that there are a lot of incidences where we question the humanity of certain actions that have been taken in the past but as upsetting it gets, us as a community always overcome it with so much positivity and love.

These are a dark time for humanity but as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore said in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light". This metaphorical light for us is positivity and togetherness. Being together at a time when we can not gather is difficult but possible.

Times like this make us realise that there is no place else we would be stuck in quarantine than home. At the comfort of our families and loved ones. I know some of you may be stuck alone and sometimes get lonely. I would like to tell you that even though you get anxious and numb while talking to people and feel that being alone is best for you, please reach out to your dear ones. 
  • Talk to them and ask about their day.
  • Schedule activities that you all can do virtually but together.
  • Listen. Empathetically listen to them and tell them about how you are holding up.
  • It's okay to be overwhelmed.
  • Plan your day out.
  • Focus on YOU.

So let us find ways to work with and for one another. To serve and help one another, especially the
 most vulnerable amongst us and let us make it out the only way we can, together.

Love, Athena.

PS: For the past two weeks, I have been thinking about how to write the best first blog and what would you readers would love to read. As I kept on fixating on the best I asked myself 'What is the best first blog?'. I could write papers about that, as a person who overthinks I could surely say that we are curious beings and clueless at the same time. Soon I figured it out that if the content is straight from my heart and it's something I would love to share with you all, it will be my best piece to date. Thank you for supporting me. I would love to interact with all of you and hear your suggestions. Do reach out to me.

Image Source: Pinterest


  1. Thank you for talking about the importance of mental health


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