How to Start Journaling?

Friends, Romans, Countryman, lend me your ears, for I will now unravel the mystery. No, not of the universe!

Hello from the other side!

For years, people have been looking for the right source of information to be motivated enough to maintain a journal or planner. Do not worry my lovelies, I am here for you.

I am someone who is a stationery freak, so I maintain 4 kinds of notebooks/ journals.

  • Planner: It helps you keep a record of your daily events and keeps you on track to maintain a schedule. The planner I am using for this year, It has hours number written on the corner of each page which helps me plan accordingly.
    I have covered it with wrapping paper and added a few stickers.

  • Journal: It differs from person to person. I usually keep a bookworm journal, where I keep track of the books I read that year and my favourite quotes, etc or content journal in which I write about all the different types content I grasped and my ratings, etc. I am keeping a gratitude journal this year as all of the sudden changes were a little overwhelming for me and not good for my mental health. So to add a little positivity I have few activities like doodle a day or favourite quote, etc that I do 15 minutes before sleeping.
    It was a shiny diary, I removed the shiny layer from the cover and painted it the way I wanted. The front has a stary sky and the back has the Hogwarts crest.

  • Diary: A diary is basically a personal dear diary thing. Which I feel is like a memoir. I have been writing diaries for about 7 years now and even though in recent years I have been writing it a little less and only a few of the major moments, It helped me offload about something I keep on thinking about and even after sharing it with my near and dear ones I keep fixating on that.
    This is a small YOUVA notebook from Navneet.

    I measured the first page, painted it and added a quote.

  • Notebook: These are to keep notes. I use them now more than ever. Since we no longer have the luxury of copping notes from the smartest kid in class and everything is online now so to remember those details long after I get my diploma.

Now that you have a basic idea of how this works, let me tell you that this is not that hard to maintain. The first time I started writing a diary and keeping planners, I just took the old dairies lying around the house and kept writing a page a day full of details of what happened that day. I did not make it colourful at all. sometimes I use to write important details about that day on the top.

I also kept a diary with my best friend. We were in the same classroom but talking was not what our teachers thought our parents paid for us to do at school and suffering from recent life-changing events at that time, we shared every little detail of our day in it. I feel like it played an important role in making our friendship strong.

Reading those now still makes me nostalgic. Writing like this keeps the memories alive, at least that's what I have experienced. Keeping all these notebooks was difficult at the beginning but now I love it and made it interesting to my liking. At the end of every month, I have decided how I want to keep this month's book and keep it interesting.

Just remember, it is for YOU. You just have to keep a book and write in it. If a black and white theme makes you happy and keep you on track then that's it, you don't have to make it colourful or fancy for that matter. Think about yourself, what you like and find your purpose along the way. I am sure if you keep doing it regularly enough you will start loving it just like me.

Love, Athena.

Image Source: Pinterest


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