
"I'm not afraid of storms. I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott.

Hello from the other side!

It seemed like as if the world is going down the slippery slope and even though I am trying to hold on to the good and positive things the force of bad and negative is much more which drags me down with it.

Having these feelings are normal, we all have them. Sometimes it's as dark as the deep sea, other times it's like the tip of the iceberg. Even though we are not in the dark we just crash and drown later on. 

I have been battling anxiety and depression for a long time now. So I will not tell you that I understand what you have been through or what you are going through. Our experience in this life is different in every step of the way even if few people select the same path.

I will tell you this that things do get better and give time to heal yourself. Don't rush into anything and keep your loved one's close to you.

It's strange that even though so many people are dying daily and we should stay at home and be safe, people are still not understanding this. But the death of a humble person, who's accomplishments inspired us all made such a difference.

This is a reminder for you to keep your people with you. and stay connected. I will encourage you to talk to that someone you constantly think about but hasn't got in touch all these years because of whatever issues.

As Anne Frank once famously said that Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.” Don't have that guilt or regret. If they are not taking the first step in making amends you should.

If you're a suicide survivor or have been affected by suicide, talk about it. Bring these conversations out in the open and remove the stigma attached to it. It may help others to deal with their problems through your experience.

There are a few mental health helplines that work for the wellbeing of people. One of which is 
Samaritans Mumbai, they are a helpline providing emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed or suicidal. They maintain confidentiality between the one who is contacting and the organisation. You can call them and send them an email. Click on their name and it will direct you to there website.
Be there for yourself and be there for others. I believe we will get through this together.

Love, Athena.

Image Source: Pinterest


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